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6 Tips For Attracting Woman

Dating is not easy for everyone. To some it could an exciting and fun activity that allows them to meet other people, and maybe even their potential life partner! But for others, this ritual can feel like a slow and painful torture, leading to an execution; especially for those men who do not have much luck when it comes to attracting women.

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Magic Weekend For Your Date

by J. Foley

Dates always provide a thrill. However, you must strive to keep them thrilling. They can get monotonous very fast indeed. No one likes going to the movies or to the beach every weekend. It is time to try something wild and whacky. If you are the type who cannot go overboard trying to surprise your date, then there are fun date ideas for your type as well. A simple idea can also make your date feel great, provided you execute it in the right way. To rekindle the old flame you can try options like a night at the lake or the beach. If you find these to be too simple, then there are other ideas as well.

Out of Town Resort If you have already visited all the hot spots in your town, the best restaurant, movie and beach, then this date idea might just be the one for you. You can surprise your girlfriend or boyfriend with some pampering. First, select a good resort that is near your town or on the outskirts. Check the brochures beforehand or try visiting the place once. It should offer services like herbal massages, it should have a lake, a swimming pool, a golf course, a good restaurant etc. If you like what you see, tell your date that he/she is up for a big surprise this weekend. Make sure that the resort is scenic. Taking a walk or simply lying in a hammock resting with your date amidst nature is a good way start. Resorts usually have a good swimming pool as well. So you can have a good time in the water as well. There are loads of water games that you and your date can enjoy. That is a great way to beat the heat.

Massage and Other Things Resorts offer Italian and other kinds of herbal massage, which drain the stress away. They offer all kinds of beauty treatments in a spa package which is available with most resorts. You can choose to give each other a mild massage as well. But make it short and sweet. Leave him/her gasping for more. You can also try your hand at some golf. Show your partner the Tiger Woods in you. If your partner is new to golf, then there is nothing more romantic then giving golf lessons. You can enjoy the greens of the golf course and each other's company at the same time. Do not forget to cheer the good shots. Remember, flattery always works. If the option is available then you can choose to go Kayaking or simply boating at the lake. You can wind up your date with a romantic candle lit dinner in the dining hall combined with some soft live music.

This will be one of the most romantic dates that your date would have ever had and he/she will be eagerly waiting for the next date to arrive. However, you have to be creative, so have another fun date idea waiting for him/her.

Article Written By J. Foley http://travelguy.typepad.com/attract_love/

About the Author

Article Written By J. Foley http://travelguy.typepad.com/attract_love/

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